Before you open your eyes in the morning, take in a huge breath of air inhaling copious amounts of oxygen.
Reach your fingers as far from your toes as you can stretch them, like a jungle cat would after a long nap.
Take your time during the exhale and imagine pushing out old stale air.
Perform this sequence 5 times which should take about 1 minute.
You may now shut off your calming alarm. PRO TIP: Memorize this so it’s the first thing you do in the morning.
Build up some energy and with passion, say your Mantra out loud.
It needs 3 things.
1) Speak in Present Tense
2) Keep it Positive
3) Talk About Your Goal/Passion
Example: Today I swim in success while giving 100% effort to every decision!
Your Mantra can change as your goals change. So, don't be afraid of altering it.
Believe your Mantra. Because I believe in you!
Get out of bed and do what you need to do in the restroom.
Fasted workouts are exercises on an empty stomach.
That’s what we are about to do.
The Rotating Wave is a combination of Squatting, Pushing and then Rotating performed at an angle appropriate for your ability level.
For most people: Break your 12-hour fast (time spent not consuming calories) with a nutrient dense drink of superfoods. This can be purchased online from your favorite retailer for $30-99 per month supply. Mix the powder with a beverage and real food then consume.
For people with fasting experience: Start with a non-calorie electrolyte mix and straight (no calories) coffee / tea. Your first meal will be a larger portion during most people’s second meal.
Ingest this elixir while completing the next step.
Take the next 10 minutes to read or listen to new information. It should be educational and aligned with your life goals. Educational is relative to each individual.
In order to retain this information better, tell someone about what you learned. It is a great conversation starter in order to be more social during your day.
Day after day of this 10-minute learning will prove to be great for your brain (and possibly career)!
Keep your day moving with more positive accomplishments.
Your body has hormones that start and stop imperative functions of life. Light activates some of those hormones and is not only needed for balanced health but very helpful in feeling completely awake after a night’s sleep.
Even if it is not the actual sun you are taking light from, expose your skin to the rays and heat without staring directly into it.
Think about the old saying, “Move It or Lose It”. The more you fidget, the more calories you burn, let’s capitalize on that.
This habit will reduce your risk of sudden, as well as overuse injuries, increase circulation, improve creativeness, burn more NEAT calories and reboot your mind all leading to better productivity and increased happiness.
In addition to the morning move 1 (rotational wave), here are two more examples to perform: Alphabet Joints and Bouncing Numbers.
Choose one and play with it for 30 seconds.
Add speed, duration or even extra resistance for more difficulty.
Let's just work with the timing of your meals for now. Later, we will get into WHAT you are eating.
This strategy consists of a 12-hour calorie consumption period followed by a 12-hour fasting period. It should be pretty easy to follow and you can experiment with various ratios after this first week.
If your last meal ends at 7:30 PM, this means you cannot eat / drink anything with calories until 7:30 AM.
Play with the times to fit your schedule but stick with this 12 hour ratio if you have never experimented with intermittent fasting.
The goal is to deplete the nutrients that your cells have stored. Next time you eat, your body will refill those stores rather than create new storage places for excess nutrients (what happens when you only give your body 8 hours to use stored nutrients, and that's during sleep when your metabolism is slowest).
Keep the mindset of: "12 hours has passed since my last calorie consumption and now my nutrient stores are lower. The next meal will start to fill those stores back up."
Finally, stick to 3-4 meals per day. Eat enough at these meals that you will not be hungry until the next meal without snacking. However, do not eat so much that you are uncomfortable.
Once you get this timing down, then you can experiment with the content of the meals.
Remember that You are Literally What You Eat! Your food turns into new cells (replacing old ones), eventually building a whole new you.
Food is meant to be FUEL. Not a pleasure tool. However, once you get lots of practice, you can make good food pleasurable.
At each meal you should consume all 3 macronutrients: Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats. This is how we get our calories.
In those macronutrients are micronutrients known as Vitamins, Minerals, Phytonutrients and Nootropics.
There should be plenty of these micronutrients in each of the Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats that you consume during each meal.
These are called nutrient dense foods and make up “complete meals”, which is the fuel you want for your body.
The better you chew your food before swallowing the better absorption your digestive system will have on those nutrients.
On the other hand, foods with little or zero micronutrients are called empty calorie foods. You may eat 500 calories but if the food that makes up those calories do not contain enough nutrients, your stomach will send out signals telling you it is still hungry.
You do not have to eliminate these types of items from your diet. Simply be aware of how often you consume them and try replacing them with a better option from below:
Carbohydrates: Green Leafy Veggies, In-season Fruits, Millet, White Rice
Proteins: Eggs, Fish, Yogurt, Well cooked Mung Beans and Chick Peas
Fats: Cheese, MCT and Olive Oil, Walnuts, Hemp, and Flax Seeds
PRO TIP: No snacking. If you are hungry between meals, eat larger portions. Then, start replacing some of your empty calorie foods with these nutrient dense foods from above. Every time you snack, insulin is released to balance your body and store more energy.
1) Taste - Prepare your favorite tea. This may take some experimenting. Our tastebuds send millions of messages to our brain which is an important part of executive functioning. Start to sip and enjoy the benefits.
2) Smell - Nature has a distinctive scent depending what part of the world you are located. It stimulates many feelings and emotions. If you cannot get outside safely, diffuse your favorite oil (again, this may take experimenting).
3) Touch - Find a calming location where you will not be disturbed during the next 10 minutes. Nature is the number one choice! Second is a ‘relaxation station’ devoted to calmness. Use a fantastic fabric that you can sink into.
4) Hear - If you are outside, notice and be aware of the distinctive sounds of wind, water or possibly a campfire. As a secondary option, listen to a high quality spa type track with nature noises in the background.
5) Sight - Gently let your eyelids fall shut and start to visualize your body parts completely relaxing. Start with your feet and work your way to the head and face. A gentle rocking may help connect your mind to the body part.
6) Breathe - Finally, let’s get some new oxygen into your body and that old stale air out. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your lips while you make a gentle humming noise. Enjoy the next ten minutes.
What is your most ambitious 10-year goal? It can be geared toward family, work, leisure or a combination.
Think specifically about the details. Be vivid.
Write that goal down and post it somewhere that you look everyday (like your computer or bathroom mirror).
This will keep the goal intertwined between your conscious AND subconscious mind.
Now, add the following schedule to your (digital or physical) calendar right now so you stay on track for 10 minutes each day:
Monday's- Prepare for upcoming appointments
Tuesday's- Note family & friend's events (birthdays etc)
Wednesday's- Plan vacations and trips
Thursday's- Maintain your personal budget
Friday's- Work or competition deadlines
Weekend's- Catch up where you need more time
Moving forward, how are we going to make sure that you are on track 1 year from today?
Create a milestone goal that will prove you are moving in the right direction. This one-year goal should be at the front of your evening gratitude journal so you see it every time you create an entry.
But how do you know how high to get your heart rate?
It's called "the talk test". If you can carry on a normal conversation, your heart rate has not increased enough for a cardio benefit.
If you cannot say three syllables in a row, you will not be able to last 10 minutes = you're going too fast.
That leaves you a wide range to experiment. Start by simply walking outside or using a stationary machine if you have access to one.
Remember that the elevated heart rate has to be activity induced; increasing your heart rate with high stress levels is the opposite of what we are looking to do.
Now, once you can do that specific activity for 60 consecutive minutes, you have adapted and it is time to try something new.
Either a new activity or a different way of doing that same activity will keep your heart strong.
One technique is called interval training. Remember, our goal here is to increase the heart rate. So, interval training is a more intense level of exercise but gives you short breaks that count toward the 10-60 minutes if your heart rate is still increased.
How do you know if it is still increased? Do the talk test.
That is just one technique. Do some research and see what you can try. There is a world of possibilities.
This video explains how to set up a 20-minute interval training workout (called metabolic conditioning) with no equipment at home.
Use your own exercises that follow this format or try the ones described.
It counts for your cardiovascular health because it elevates your heart rate for longer than 10 consecutive minutes.
This “MetCon” additionally improves your strength. Next time it will be easier. Try to beat your repetition total.
Not only did your heart and muscles benefit but you are mentally tougher for completing the entire workout.
This, in turn, makes you a more confident person.
We need more people like YOU walking around this beautiful planet!
It has so many benefits including body temperature regulation, fighting off viruses, nutrient absorption, even lessening the risk of muscular injury.
Teach yourself to build new habits by starting with an easy one like this:
Drink 1 glass of water (only water counts; no coffee, juice or soda) during every meal before consuming any other liquid.
This seemingly small habit will build the foundation of a healthy lifestyle.
Too much water is possible. That's why we recommend starting with one full glass at each meal.
Get to know your body during this new habit by looking at the color of your urine. That's right. Monitor it each time you go.
If your urine is yellow, you might need more water than one glass per meal (do some research to find out if your medications or supplements are affecting the color).
If your urine is completely clear, you could be drinking too much water. Find a balance. The optimal amount will vary from day to day depending on activity level, temperature, even altitude and age.
A) Podcast - One hour prior to bedtime, start listening to an informative resource that will NOT excite or energize you. This should be a topic about a skill or hobby you enjoy such as a sport, activity or maybe a positive news source. This can be a multitasking event paired with a chore such as laundry, house cleaning, packing a lunch for tomorrow, etc.
B) Inversions - As the episode continues, work on improving your circulation. First, get your feet overhead. Your technique for this may change over time as you get better at it. Watch the video below for more details.
C) Flexibility - After sixty seconds of having your feet over head, it is time for a general stretch. First, we stretch the back side of your body (posterior). In a seated straddle position, reach forward and breath into a relaxed stretch for one minute. The next stretch is for the front side of your body (anterior). Arch backward, breathe and hold for another sixty seconds. If there is a body part that is tight or bothering you, add it into your routine here.
D) Shower - We recommend a nighttime shower so you sleep better. Whether you bath or shower, make the first or last sixty seconds of your personal routine COLD. This will quickly alert your nerves and hormones causing better circulation and mental confidence as you withstand colder temperatures. (*This step will not keep you from falling asleep.)
E) Herbal - Ingesting quality Herbal Tea or CBD before sleep is a great way to recovery mind and body and also improves sleep quality. When purchasing CBD, look at reviews from other people who have used it since it (like all supplements) is not regulated by the FDA.
F) Journal - What did you Learn, Laugh and Love about today? It is time to document those memories in a notebook. By recalling these parts of your day, you are taking the next step in putting them into long term memory. Stay positive as you keep the law of attraction in mind. “If you believe it, you can achieve it.” Gratitude is also a fantastic way to change your attitude into a more optimistic one. Noting what you are thankful for at the end of your day will make you seek more things like this throughout the day.
G) Breathe - This 4 x 4 relaxation technique is a great way to fall asleep. It is okay if you do not finish by the time you fall asleep.
Begin by inhaling for 4 seconds then hold your breathe for 4 seconds;
Next, exhale for 4 seconds and then hold your breathe for another 4 seconds;
Repeat these steps 4 times with your eyes closed. Focus on what you are doing.
Stop consuming caffeine 5 hours before bedtime.
Dim the lights (including screens) 1 hour prior to bedtime.
Monitor the bedroom temp between 65-75*F (depending on the season).
Invest in comfortable bedding for you (mattress and sheets)
Prepare a quiet atmosphere with earplugs if needed.
Keep pets and kids in their own separate rooms during sleep.
Set your alarm for 6-8 hours after you intend to fall asleep with a gradually increasing volume.
This will help create quality sleep for you and is directly related to ALL bodily functions.
Recent studies are showing the importance of waste removal from the brain during sleep (something that does not happen when you are awake). When the brain waste is not removed, it leaves a plaque like substance on the neural synapses of the brain. This may be related to dementia. Imagine your brain after 20 years of sleep deprivation!
Let's agree right know to put a priority on sleep.