The goal behind becoming healthier is to live a better life which entails slowing the aging process. We dig into this statement deeper with each Recess Break that customers take.
The goal behind becoming healthier is to live a better life which entails slowing the aging process. We dig into this statement deeper with each Recess Break that customers take.
An outline as to how Real Recess works. Just like reading a book page by page, you can become healthier break by break. It doesn’t happen over night but by setting alarms for videos, follow 60-second routines to become healthier day by day.
Companies need to be leaders for their employees. How does that happen? Check out the Real Recess Corporate Wellness Plan. It’s not your traditional set up, so sit back and get excited for the future.
Encourage movement in your home with a few tips. Why decorate with items that just sit there. We want to see the future of design include furniture that moves, making us want to move with it.
The importance of sleep has been proven in countless studies. Here, I will tell you how to maximize the benefits of sleep. Follow these seven step to wake up energized and ready to conquer the day!
Quick stations you can create in the office (home or work) to keep you active. It’s really not all about breaking a sweat in 30 seconds. Your goal is to get out of the same position and reboot the brain! These short breaks will lead to more productivity meaning happier and healthier employees.