Mind Body Recess for Beginners

Your brain burns 25% of total expended daily calories, mostly using carbohydrates as energy. You definitely need a good night’s rest to recover from that. Try this class to make the brain more efficient and reset the neural pathways. Plus, you’ll have fun doing it!

Back to Health Project

The Back to Health Project is for anyone needing a jump start to get back into better health. Follow along with me at no charge. We all make more progress when we are social.

Stimulating Your Senses Reboots Your Soul

Real Recess developed this Relaxation Meditation to help busy people like our customers to destress and reboot. It only takes 5 minutes and is easy to remember once your practice it the first time. Do it at work, home, with friends or by yourself. You mind may be the most important part of your being. Take care of it.